They are all NUTS! Southampton’s annual Polar Plunge. Participants get to jump in the water for the first time in 2025, just one catch, the water is FREEZING!!!

Wintertime Tennis @ The Southampton Club, the place for diehard tennis players. A little chilly weather wont slow our players down

Southampton’s Annual Ping Pong Tournament and Tennis Social - An absolute blast and great way to turn up the heat during winter. We expanded the event this year to include singles and doubles ping pong tournament, tennis drills and skills and intro to Pickleball. Something for everyone.

A special time of year for the the junior tennis stars at our annual Christmas party.

2024 Halloween Costume Clinic - The spookiest time of year!

LIVEBALL Cardio Tennis Clinics - Hustle, Hit, Never Quit, an absolute blast on the courts with non stop tennis action!

Beginner Tennis Clinics - The most adorable players at the Club. Session 2 starts next week, sign up today!

Southampton Tennis Rocks This Past Weekend

Congratulations to Nancy Christensen’s 3.5 Mixed 65+ USTA summer team for winning the State Championships this past weekend in Greensboro!!! Amazing job, you all should be so proud

Fan Xia and Thalia Smith also won their USTA junior tournaments this past weekend as well. You rock girls!

Southampton Club rapped up the 2024 summer season with a bang. Thank you to DJ Morgan for rocking this house and for all the members who make these events so special. The pool will still be open weekends through the end of the September!

Southampton’s Stingrays Awards Banquet and Season Ending Party! Congratulations to all our swimmers for having a fantastic season and giving it your all. The Coaches, Staff, and Parents are all so very proud of you. The Giant Trophies, BBQ and Late Night Glow Festivities are a highlight of the year.

Southampton’s Summer Tennis Camps have been a huge hit this summer, filling up each of the 4 weeks offered. Top notch tennis instruction from our team of amazing tennis coaches, learning the basics through drills, games and contests in a fun environment. Thank you to all the players that came out and made this years camps so special!

Southampton Stingrays 2nd Home Meet - A huge thank you to all the volunteers who help make these meets happen.

Southampton’s Stingray 2024 Team Photo and Late Night Team Party!

Southampton’s Stingray Swim Teams first meet for 2024. The competition best be ready to be STUNG! Go Go Stingrays!

Memorial Day 2024 Pool Party - A highlight of every year.

2024 Southampton Stingrays take to the water for their first practice of the season.

2024 Easter Junior Tennis Clinic

Academy and High Performance Spring Tennis Training

2024 Southampton Club Polar Plunge - They’re NUTS!

Southampton’s Monday Quads - The heart and soul of Gaston County Tennis, come join the fun!

Southampton Club’s In-House Winter League Champions:

Mens 4.5 Logan Andrew/Bo Chriscoe

Womens 3.5 Pauline Styers/Christine Barnes

Team Eso Vamos Tennis Academy - Focused Through The Winter Months!

Our Red Shouldered Hawks have been really active around the Club this fall, fun to watch.

Saturday Morning Tennis @ The Southampton Club: LIVEBALL Cardio Clinics, Rec Play, Advanced Juniors and Beginner Clinics. If you are looking to play tennis in Gaston County, you need to be at Southampton!

Southampton’s Hummingbirds have arrived for their seasonal summer visit…

Southampton’s Late Night Movie Nights IN the pool, lighting up Gastonia…

Fall is a beautiful time of year at The Southampton Club

Pickleball Y’all at The Southampton Club

Monday Night Men’s Quads Under the Lights: A Club staple for 30+ years and over 40-50 participants each week. Come join the fun, runs all winter long!

Club Art

Southampton’s Tuesday Wine and Fun Tennis Mixer

Spring Is In The Air @ The Southampton Club

So many beautiful sunsets this year!

Wine Tasting @ The Southampton Club